Thursday, July 26, 2012

Don't cry over burnt...tacos....

    Like I said before, I tend to overcommit myself. I overcommit, and then I over-plan and then I over-do and then we're just stuck in a vicious cycle. Please don't do anything to try and stop it when it starts, because I'm either overdoing, or I'm underdoing...which really means I'm doing nothing at all.

   Jonah asked me today if someone could come over for dinner tonight. He asks me this while we're on our way to Target to get supplies to make cleaning supplies (remind me to tell you about my amazing soap scum removing shower cleaner...super easy, super cheap and works REALLY well) so I agree and don't really think to much about the time line here. I call my mother-in-law and set up dinner for 5:30. I forgot that we have chiropractor appointments at 4...It's close so not a big deal. So my natural progression in the cycle of over begins...and I enter into the over planning. We are now having Tacos and Rice and Beans...not bad, except I just couldn't leave it at Tacos. Then before I could even help it I was making homemade refried beans (which I've never done, so that was it's own adventure) and had precut all vegetables and precooked meat (along with just about every spice I had that said pepper on it) so that all I had to do when I get home is get it all out and finish the rice and beans and we're good for dinner.

    So I get home and start working on the beans (I had pinto beans that I left in the crockpot on while I was gone) and sautéed some onions, tomatoes and jalepenos. I smashed up the beans with a potato smasher and then put them in the skillet with the sautéed vegetables and cooked them for about 10 minutes...Refried beans are really easy to make, and pretty yummy when they're homemade. I cooked some long brown rice and called it good. I did have Jason stop and get some guacamole from HEB because I don't like guacamole and I don't know anything about it...and the lady at HEB makes it right in front of you, so it is always a winner around here when people who eat guacamole come over.

   In the midst of all of this, I decided that it'd be great if I put the taco shells (Trader Joe's organic corn cooked in sunflower seed oil) in the oven to make sure they were warm and crispy. Well...I forgot...because I over-everything.

    Yes they actually are as burnt as they look and yes, they were mostly eaten anyway. I got the ground beef a little bit to spicy so Jonah was not a huge fan of dinner tonight (along with the cranky mood he is in from no nap today) so he had some guacamole and veggie and flax seed chips along with some roast beef and called it good. I really wanted to be angry and upset and stressed out about my burnt shells, but I decided instead to enjoy what was good (most definitely everything else, my father in law is pretty mexican food picky and will very gently let you know when food "tastes healthy" and he voluntarily took some of the leftover beans home)...and move on with a good night. 


  1. You should check out the book DIY naturals. I have been making all our cleaning supplies and laundry soap for about six months. The only thing I buy already made is Kar is laundry detergent. :)

  2. Most of the time I'm cleaning with vinegar because Jonah has had no reaction to it at all and it disinfects everything. My skin is almost as sensitive as Jonah's so it would do us a whole lot of good on the laundry soap end, but I'm up for checking out just about everything else.
