For a blog post that has nothing to do with food... well I'm sure that it will have something to do with food, but in the interest of full disclosure and transparency...I think it's only fair to share where I am right now emotionally. I am awake at 1:20 am...which is partially because it takes me about a month to get back into my normal sleeping pattern after having surgery and partially because I had decided to write this blog post this morning at church, and hadn't and really feel like I'm supposed to write this down for myself and maybe for someone else too.
I hadn't realized it really and fully (probably because I hadn't allowed myself too) but I am incredibly angry with God. I remember getting to this point before when we were trying to get pregnant with Jonah, and I remember feeling so so guilty about it then, too. I was at FCC (Florida Christian College) at the time as a student and I remember sitting in class with Professor Howard and hearing him say over and over that God could take anything we could throw at him because he was bigger then our anger. That was the first time in my life (and I've had quite a few just really unfortunate situations) that I let myself feel angry with God and not just angry at other humans. I feel like Jason and I are good parents. We give Jonah a healthy dose of just enough crazy to make him interesting, but balance and security and love enough for 10 kids. We try and do the best for him in everything. I feel like no matter what, he knows that he is the center of our universe, and even when he's a total and complete toot, he's still overall a really good kid. How is it that I know of people who literally throw away perfectly good pregnancies when I would give just about anything to get a yes from God on one? How is it that people with no business with babies, get tons and good parents sit without the desires of their heart? It's honestly seriously just not fair. I say it's OK...because it has to be...but it still sucks. Infertility sucks. I am so so thankful that God heard me and gave me the child that I begged for once and I almost feel selfish thinking and feeling like I should get so blessed and chosen twice.
Our life group is wonderful. It is made up of the biggest hodge podge of 20 and 30 somethings that could've been thrown together. We are all different and have had just about every experience I could think of. We are a balance of creatives and analytics and artists and thinkers and overall people who just love fiercely. We are very honest and very real with each other just about all of the time and I know that if I called just about anyone in that group, they would drop whatever they could to help us, and have. The girls in our life group and from various other spots around our church last year came together for an evening just for me to encourage me and to pray for me because I was clearly feeling way more broken then I realized. It was incredibly encouraging and I still hold onto just about everything that was said that night as encouragement for when I am spiritually attacked by satan because the first thing he says to me is "you don't matter to God or anyone else" and forever, I will hold onto the truths that were spoken to me that night (that I know have been spoken 100 times before, by my family and others who love me) and rebuke him. Anyway...I sat there with my lifegroup on Tuesday night as we worshipped, and became completely uncomfortable with even being in the room worshipping. That has NEVER happened to me. I was seriously looking for a way out of the room. I didn't want to be with God and I didn't want to feel God. It was a feeling I never want to forget because it hurt so badly and I never want to feel it again, but I didn't know how to break it, so I sat and I felt it.
Today in worship, our minister asked us to pull out our Bible, pick a chapter and stand and proclaim a verse. The verse of the day on the Bible ap that most of us use was Galatians 6:9 so it was what popped up when most of us opened the ap so quite a few of us went with that...Galatians 6:9 says "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary." Wow. I think that Carl was used today to point that out to a good number of us. He said today in his sermon that we would remember that verse more then anything else in his sermon, and he's completely right. I am going to be 100% honest, I have no idea what his sermon was about today...because I was/am totally stuck on that. I have been looking for a verse to put on a pinterest project (I know, I'm addicted) and that is it. I was sitting there about to go into a pitty party and one of my friends that I have set to alert posted shared that on her fb. It dinged on my phone and I went and commented on it and said that was my verse as well and she commented back and said that she was just not ok today and was feeling weary. And at that moment, I got it. It is OK for me to be angry with God, but it is not ok for me to not be obedient. I am called to encourage and to love people. So in my brokenness I went and poured out every prayer I had on my friend and in that moment found a little bit of healing for myself. I prayed for her to be encouraged as she is encouraging and for her to be given a super natural energy and peace about everything going on in her life. I prayed for her and for her family to experience healing in everything that is ailing her physically and emotionally and at the same time, I prayed and proclaimed those things for myself. I am so thankful for her transparency and her willingness to feel what was going on with her publicly so that it could bring healing to those around her.
Our church has a system of prayer cards. Everyone is encouraged to fill them out weekly for anything and everything, they are copied, given to all elders, staff members, and if they're not confidential to a team of people that have volunteered to pray for people throughout the week, and then passed back out during the same service. I have often times filled them out for others, but never really for me. Today, even before this happened, I filled one out for me. I feel like God is working on me to worry about me. I feel incredibly selfish saying that, but I am honestly not one to spend any time on me, and I know that's not his plan for me either. Our chiropractor recently joined a new practice (and if you know me, you've heard me talk about how this was a total blessing) and was able to remold his practice from pain management into more of a wellness practice along with the pain management/sports medicine end of things. His partner is a nutrition and wellness ninja and looked at me the first time he met me and said something to the effect of "God wants you to be able to live life to the full so you can become everything he designed you to be and achieve everything he created you to be able to achieve" and those words spoke into me a determination that I have never felt even though I have heard things similar to that over and over again.
I had to stop the birth control that I was on to cycle before the fertility drugs because it messed with my liver. My ENT happened to run a liver panel before my surgery and my liver enzymes had doubled since before I started the meds. The fertility drugs would mostly likely do more to my liver then the bc did so we are waiting until I get a completely clean liver panel to start again. It may take a while for that to happen, and so until then, I wait and I work towards health. Everyone around us keeps asking what our plan is...and I always have the same answer....we're waiting. Adoption may be in our future, but I haven't heard God give me a go on it yet. I have a sweet sweet friend who is willing to carry a baby for 9 months and then give it to me which is seriously the most beautiful thing anyone has ever ever offered to me, but we're waiting. We have considered IVF and IUI, but we're waiting. My son wants a sibling, but he knows that babies have a hard time growing in mommy's tummy, so he's waiting. I feel like God will make it abundantly clear when and where we're supposed to do something, but until then, we're waiting. I honestly feel like right now, God is trying to heal my body of the imperfections in it. My thyroid that was thought to be doing nothing is gradually beginning to work again, I don't know if it's temporary or permanent, but it's something. It's documented that my body is doing something it is supposed to do. I was able to come off of my PCOS meds and my insulin levels still look wonderful. I am for the first time ever, successfully losing we're waiting. I may just be intended to love my one child (and the 100 others that are handed to me every year at school) spectacularly and fiercely and if that's what God has for me, it will be OK and I will be at peace with that, but until I hear that in finality, we're waiting.